Get this your sitting in a mall and nursing your 5 week old baby and someone comes up to you and tells you to move to a bathroom! Of course you reply that it is legal in that state to nurse anywhere you want or if there is a room made for it you can go there, but still that person hounds you and even has you removed from said mall..
This happened for real to a mother in Ceder Rapids, Iowa and well in many other places… there is to many to name!
I have had my own problem with a teenage boy to naive to even understand that these things on my chest where ment to feed baby and maybe just maybe make a man happy! Luckily for me i didn’t have to deal with what some of these women do… and well it makes me down right sick!
What i cannot understand is the fact women in clothes now days show off more than a nursing mother does feeding her child…. erm does that tell you something… we think that feeding a child is perverted, what about the shirt that you can see through and practically see the woman’s nipple, or is it the fact that men and women alike think that a woman breastfeeding her child is like that of Betsy the moo cow! I think that the United States has too much Pride in making women out to be these anorexic statues that have to look like Arnold on a good day! I am one to tell you i do cover my son up while he feeds, but at any time i could say no and uncover myself for the shear fact i don’t give a rats rear end about what someone thinks of my ” milk swollen breast!” Well sir if you are looking at my chest your looking to hard!
*insert Bill Clinton voice* My fellow Americans it has come to my attention that you are all idiots!”
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