Lets take a little history ride shall we ..
Imagine it is 1901.. You live on a quaint little farm out in the country. You have chickens and cows and pigs. When it came time you would find the choice animal to kill and use it for meat. You would cut off the meat and then throw out the bits of bone and intestines because they are not favorable. Imagine the smell of the meat cooking and how good it was..
Ok lets fast forward to now ... 2012
Let us imagine a large set of land with thousand of cows on it, all of them are injected with antibiotics.Most are standing ankle deep in their own feces.. most of them are fed a grain,bone and vitamin mix. Now it is time to kill the cow which has been forced to become that large.. It goes into a processing house. In there the same thing happens . They cut up the cow and put aside the bits and bones that we normally would not eat.. They grind it and strain it and put fillers in it..
E Hows definition of fillers:
alot of the food we
eat contains fillers and additives that are made from a variety of other meat and non-meat products. These are included to increase the bulk of the item, to extend shelf life, and to improve flavor and texture, among other reasons. Sometimes they simply allow the food industry to produce more food at a lower price; they can reduce the cost of food from 10 to 30 percent. Meat fillers are commonly used, especially in ground-up meats like hamburger and sausage.
ok now that we know what this is lets find out the kinds of fillers.. Again lets see what E How defines this
Not all meat fillers are made from meat. A cereal binder is usually a combination of flour and oatmeal that is often used in hot dogs. Bread crumbs and other starchy food additives are used in many foods, as well as rusk, a biscuit-type of filler that is found in sausage. Vegetables, roots and legumes are also used as fillers. Most fillers are typically high in carbohydrates and low in nutrition.
Interestingly enough, meat is rarely used as a meat filler. At times, mechanically deboned meat such as turkey and chicken parts are used as fillers. Some low-grade, inexpensive meats, like those in a can, are sometimes made exclusively from mechanically deboned meat.
Meat extenders are added to meat to extend the shelf life of processed meat. They are a type of filler with more protein content. Extenders usually consist of a cereal mixture combined with meat, fat and blood and are common in meats such as hot dogs and breakfast sausages. Some other extenders used in meat are soy flour, soy concentrate and legumes.
In addition to the fillers and extenders, other additives are combined for preservation and flavor. Salt is added for flavor and shelf-life; nitrates are added for color, flavor and shelf-life; phosphates are added for protein structuring and water binding; and monosodium glutamate, commonly known as MSG, is added for flavor. Processed meats contain the most fillers and additives)
WOW ... so lets get this straight. I am eaither eating scrap meats,blood,bone, fat and some grains..
Right now i think of how much beef , chicken, and pork i have bought !! Can you imagine we have been eating this!!
I see that most of the goverment does not have a problem with this. In fact a bunch of goverment officals went to the factory where this is all done and said that they would love to eat this. Again where is it thier buisness to let these people make a desison to tell us what is good and bad for us.. Is this going to be one of those i rule over you and you have no choice. According to a lot of people that harvest their own meat, eggs and milk , there is a law and a problem with this.. you cannot trust what nature and God made natural!!!
I like most people got to a store and buy my food since i have not had a easy time making my own foods. I have to buy the foods i know are processed because i cannot buy these things without the fillers and etc becuase the assistance i get wil not allow me to go to a famers market or a organic grocery store. How sad is this.. The goverment pays for all these sick, overweight and malnurished children to eat this trash , but does not look at why the rise in medical care may be linked..
so how do we stop this? Petition? make signs? Beg for another answer.. I agree we have let it go way to long and have been kept in secret what is in our foods.. So i say YES make them speak up and come foward about how this happened.. Let them be the ones that say to go back to a way of life where food isnt massed produced.. let it g back to the old days where a garden was a norm... Where buying a cow to have it killed for meat was ok.. OR lets have store's that we shop at ban these foods!! Most have started to !!
So now you must ask yourself are you ok with this!!! Are we ment to eat these things?!
I want to thank E HOW and ABC for their links.. I recived most of my information from there.. If you want to get slime free beef please consider the links below .. I thank you for reading!!
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